Published By : International Science Press Frequency : Semi-Annual ISSN : 2277-6095
The International Journal of Operation Systems and Human Resource Mangement is a peer-reviewed journal. Man, Materials, Machine, Method, Milieu, Measurement and Money (7Ms) are the key pillars for the development of advancements in science and management in the current trend of manufacturing and service industries. This 7M can be represented as triad elements called “People, Process and Technology” which integrates human resource, operations and system management. It is otherwise called an integrated management system. Like most accepted industrial or business terminology, it has become a recognizable enclosure in most of the pinnacle presentations by top executives worldwide because it is grounded in a degree of truth. Success or failure of any organization can typically be accredited to one or more elements of this triad, or more accurately, how one element worked remarkably well with the others—or failed to do so. But given the ease with which “people, process, and technology” rolls off the tongue, it can be easy to begin to incessantly group them together as three equal and homogeneous concepts.