The driving force behind the cluster effort for a biannual peer reviewed International Journal of Management Research and Technology [IJMRT] is in search of better perceptive of management-technology-development policy linkages. The journal is designed within a distinctive, interdisciplinary focus on the interrelationships between policies, planning and process of development of different aspects of management thoughts in the context of global, regional and local change and transition, which are due to concern for the interaction of macro development strategies and structure, and processes at the meso and micro levels.
Instruction to the Contributors: All articles in the journal are published in English: Manuscript must be typed in MS word. No manuscript should ordinarily exceed thirty typed pages including tables, graphs, figures, notes and references. The title, author(s) including affiliation, correspondence and e-mail address, abstract (not exceeding 250 words), key words (not exceeding six) and acknowledgements, if any should be clearly specified in the first page of the manuscript. Notes should be circumvented if possible, but while necessary must be put at the bottom of the text (endnotes) followed by a complete list of references used. The contributors should ensure that they are not infringing copyright. Submission of a manuscript implies that it contains unpublished original work and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
References must be cited in unnumbered alphabetical order as follows:
Sarkar, S. (2001), Venture Financing: A Peep into Indian Software Driven IT industry, Accounting Review, 4(1): 78-83.
Sarkar, S. (2006), Economic and Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, Abhijeet Publication, Delhi.
Edited Books:
Sarkar, S. (2006), Environmental Accounting and Reporting for Sustainable Development, In: F.K.Sudan (Ed.), India’s Economic Development, Serials Publications, New Delhi.
References in Text:
(Sarkar 2001;Tisdell 2005)
Tables/Figures in Text:
Each table/graph/figure should be marked in the text in numerical order with suitable caption.
Electronic submission of manuscript is acceptable. The guidelines for writing articles to the journal can also be archived on website at Email: E-mail: Electronic version of the manuscripts must be submitted to the Managing editor at and Authors are exempted to submit hard copy of manuscript. All editorial correspondence shouls be addresed to Mr. Vijay Kumar Jha, Managing Editor, IJRDMS at Serials Publications, 4830/24, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi - 110 002.
This publication contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable effort has been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of the use.
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