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Examples of References are as follows:
Bernanke, B. S, and A. S. Blinder (1988), “Credit, Money and Aggregate Demand,” American Economic Review, Vol.78, No.2. pp. 435-39.
Greene, W. H. Econometric Analysis: New York: Macmillan, 1993.
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Aim and Scope: Global Review of Business and Economic Research (GRBER) is a refereed international journal with ISSN: 0973-127X and is indexed in Cabell's Directory of Publishing opportunities in all areas in business. As a scholarly periodical, GRBER contains ideas, thoughts, assertions, and opinions of its contributing authors. The aim of the journal is to publish quality research with international orientation. It strives to make its articles understandable to academicians as well as practitioners. Theoretical, conceptual, and empirical papers providing meaningful insights into the subjects areas are considered. GRBER thus welcome contributions from both academics and practitioners in the form of original papers and case studies in different areas such as accounting, marketing, management, information systems, finance, and economics. Topics related to ethical and international issues are especially encouraged. The principal criterion of acceptance are originality, rigor, practical relevance, and quality. All Submitted papers are subject to peer review be at least two referees and there is no submission fee. The website address iswww.serialspub.com
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