Only original contributions, which are not published in any language and are not submitted for publication elsewhere, are accepted for peer review. All paper submissions should be made electronically to Editor-in-Chief in Word or Latex format:
Prof. Yu-Jie Ren
Department of Mathematics and Physics,
Dalian Polytechnic University
(Dalian Institute of Light Industry),
Dalian 116034
P. R. China
or to any editor member of the editorial board with a statement that the paper has never been published anywhere.
Manuscripts should be typed, with double spacing throughout (including references), on A4 size paper, leaving ample margin.
The acceptance of the paper implies the copyright transfer to the publications automatically.
Manuscript Preparation Instructions
To speed up the review process, we accept e-manuscript with Word or Latex under the permission of the editor.
Once accepted for publication, the final version of the manuscript with a diskette must be provided, the author is encouraged to send his/her e-manuscript by email (Word or LaTex), or send the camera-ready manuscripts in order to quickly publish. Instructions of how to format the camera-ready manuscripts are available from the publisher or the editor. Author's photo and a brief resume will be appeared at the end of his paper. Only black-white photo is required, colour photo requires additional fee by publisher
In general, there is no limitation of the length. Short letters no longer than 4 printed pages are automatically transformed to Communications in Computational Mathematics and Numerical Simulation (An International Journal of Rapid Publication)
Preparation of Manuscripts
1. The language of the papers is English only.
2. Symbols for physical quantities should be in italic (sloping) type. Mathematical operators and constants and symbols for units should be in roman (upright) type. Vectors should be in bold italic type and matrices in bold upright type.
3. Manuscripts should be typed, with double spacing throughout, on A4 size paper, leaving ample margins. Lengthy mathematical proofs and derivations should be given in an appendix.
4. The arrangement of manuscripts should be as follows:
o Title of the paper;
o Author's name and his institute (including Email and Fax);
o Abstract, Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification 1991/95 (available from the editor or from Elsevier);
o Text;
References, which should be arranged in the following forms:
The form for references at the end of the text is shown by the following examples:
[1] Yu-Jie Ren, Numerical Analysis and its MATLAB Realization, Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2007, 144-156.
[2] Yu-Jie Ren, Hong-Qing Zhang, A generalized F-expansion method to find abundant families of Jacobi elliptic function solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional NNV equation, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 27(2006) 959-979.
[3] Yu-Jie Ren, Yan-Juan Li, Fu-Gui Song, and Hong-Qing Zhang, A new compound operation method of the numerical solutions and analytic solution of partial differential equation, International Conf. On Multimedia, Information Technology and its Applications, 2006, Dalian, China, 328-330.
[4] Yu-Jie Ren, Hong-Qing Zhang, New generalized hyperbolic functions and auto - Backlund transformation to find new exact solutions of the (2+1) - dimensional NNV equation, Physics Letters A,357(2006)438-448
References in the text should be quoted by the corresponding number in brackets The references can also be listed in alphabet order.
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Colour illustrations are encouraged, but authors will be asked by the publisher to cover the full costs incurred in colour printing.
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