The International Journal of Sociological Research addresses a broad spectrum of sociological issues. International in scope, it publishes refereed theoretical as well as qualitative and quantitative substantive and applied research papers. All areas of sociological study are considered. The Journal publishes two issues per year and one special issue per year.
Submission of Manuscripts: Anyone wishing to submit manuscripts should send four hard copies as well as an electronic version, formatted in Word, to the following address:
Daniel W. Phillips III, Ph.D.
Criminal Justice Program, 210 Lindsey Wilson Street, Lindsey Wilson College
Columbia, Kentucky 42728, USA, email:
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In the reference section, list all source citations alphabetically by the first author’s last name, and within author by year of publication. The reference list must be complete and include all references in the text. The use of “et al” is not acceptable in the reference list; provide the names of all authors. If there is more than one reference to the same author and year, delineate them by the letters “a,” “b,” etc. added to the year (Levy 1963a). Give the publisher’s name in as brief a form as is fully intelligible. If the cited material is unpublished, use “forthcoming” with the name of the journal or publisher; otherwise use “unpublished.”
Books: Wilson, Jim J., Howard W. Jenkins, Jr., and Jody Smith. 1990. Criminal behavior. Philadelphia, Penn.: Pilgrim Press.
Periodicals: Smith, John. 1985. “The Effects of Violence on Women.” Pacific Sociological Review 122:3-34.
Picou, J. Steven, Richard H Wells, and Kenneth Nyberg. 1978a. “Paradigms, Theories, and Methods in Rural Sociology.” Rural Sociology 43:559-583.
Picou, J. Steven, Richard H Wells, and Kenneth Nyberg. 1978b. “Reply to Bealer: The Skeptic as Ritualist.” Rural Sociology 43:596-609.
Collections: Johnson, S. 1980. “The Problem of Drug Abuse.” Pp. 145-161 in Studies in the Science of Society, edited by G. Murdock. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
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