Aims and Scope: According to the fields of scientific interest for this journal, the International Journal of Production arid Quality Engineering (IJPQE) is mainly dedicated but not limited to the following topics:
manufacturing processes (machining processes, metal forming, welding and joining, metal casting, composite and polymer processing, powder metallurgy, rapid prototyping arid rapid tooling, hybrid processes, etc.), numerical modelling of manufacturing processes, development and configuration of machine tools and production equipment (geometrical precision, cinematic and dynamic behaviour), dimensional metrology and product inspection (methodologies, procedures and devices), corn pu ter assisted systems for manufacturing simulation, programming and scheduling (CAD/CAM/ CAE/ CAPP), intelligent manufacturing systems (computer integrated manufacturing, flexible manufacturing systems, etc.), quality, assurance and continues improvement (total quality management, lean manufacturing, agile manufacturing, etc.), micro and nano-manufacturing (modelling, devices and integration), contact mechanics (tool wear, tribology and friction), product design (design for manufacture and assembly), applied automation and robotics (genetic algorithms, neural networks and fuzzy logic for manufacturing systems, improved controllers, sensors and actuators, etc.), productive maintenance (production chain maintenance, machine failure prevention), virtual reality (for production lines and machine tool performance), etc.
Submission of Articles: Scientific articles for this journal can be research articles, review articles and technical notes. They should correspond to original studies not previously published nor submitted
consideration by other periodical publications. The manuscripts for International Journal of Production and Quality Engineering (IJPQE), must be directly submitted to the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Patricio Franco (, who will be in charge of forwarding to expert referees and consideration about possible acceptance.
Patricio Franco
Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena
Departamento de Ingenieria de Materiales y
C/ Doctor Fleming s/n
30202 Cartagena (Spain)
Reviewing Process: The manuscripts received for possible publication will be forwarded to expert referees for reviewing of originality, scientific quality and potential interest of submitted articles. According to suggestions provided by consulted referees, the Editor- in-Chief will contact to corresponding author in order communicate the final decision about possible acceptance (including acceptance, minor modifications, major modifications or rejection).
1. Language: The totality of articles must be written in English. Both American and British English are accepted. Decimal points must be employed for numeric values, instead of decimal commas.
2. Writing Style and Clarity: Submitted manuscripts must present an appropriate writing style, and clarity in the presentation and discussion of results.
3. Manuscript Originality: The submitted articles must correspond to original studies not previously published nor submitted for consideration by other journals or periodical publications, both entirely or partially
IMPORTANT: During the submission of manuscript, the authors must express that their article corresponds to an original work, and is not published nor under consideration by other periodical publications (in the same e-mail or in a separate letter directed to the Editor-in-Chief).
4. Article Structure: Please divide the manuscript into clearly defined and numbered sections. All sections and subsections should be numbered in Arabic numerals (such as 1., 2., etc., 1.1, 1.2., etc. and soon). Do not apply the section numbering to the abstract of manuscript.
5. Author mailing address: After the title of submitted article, the complete list of authors and their mailing address must be presented, including postal and e-mail address. The corresponding author should be clearly indicated on the first page of the manuscript.
6. Abstract: A concise but explanatory abstract must be inserted after the title of article and mailing address of authors. The abstract should contain a description of pursued objectives, employed methodology and main conclusions of submitted article. The citation of references, equations and figures is not allowed. The use of no more than 200 words is recommended.
7. Keywords: A maximum of 6 keywords must be provided, immediately after the abstract. The keywords will be utilized for indexing purposes.
8. Manuscript Format: The article must be submitted in MS Word format, using the font Times New Roman with a size of 12 pt. Please use A4 sheet size with single column, double spacing and wide margins. The article pages should be numbered consecutively. The submitted manuscript should preferable not exceed 25 typed pages, including the text, tables and figures.
9. Equations: The totality of equations must be numbered consecutively throughout the article. Equation numbers should be enclosed in parentheses arid aligned to the right margin. Equations should be referred to as “Equation (x)” in the text of manuscript, where x corresponds to the equation number. In the case of multiple-line equations, the number should be given on the middle.
(2pl - 1)2 + 2(p2 -1)2 ≤ 1
10. Tables and Figures: The totality of tables and figures must present a numbered caption with a short text that identifies their contents. Tables and figures should be referred to as “Table x” or “Figure x” in the text of manuscript, where x corresponds to the associated number. A different numbering should be employed for both of them.
11. Conclusions: A section dedicated to the main conclusions of the manuscript must be included, after the sections concerned with the introduction, employed methodology and discussion of results.
12. Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements could be inserted is needed as a separate section, before the section of references.
13. References: The totality of references mentioned in the manuscript must be collected in a section dedicated to this purpose at the end of the article, and listed by the order in which they were cited in the written text. The citation of references should be made in the way “IA. El-Sonbaty et al. [1]” if they had more than two authors, or “B. Ozcelik and M. Bayramoglu [2]” if they had one or two authors. The following format must be employed for the listing of cited references:
[1] I.A. El-Sonbaty, U.A. Khashaba, Al. Selmy, A.I. Ali, “Prediction of Surface Roughness Profiles for Milled Surfaces using an Artificial Neural Network and Fractal Geometry Approach”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 200 (2008) 271-278.
[2] B. Ozcelik, M. Bayramoglu, “The Statistical Modeling of Surface Roughness in High-speed Flat end Milling”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 46 (2006) 1395-1402.
[3] M.C. Shaw, Metal Cutting Principles, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1984.
14. Proofs: Proofs will be sent by e-mail to corresponding author in PDF format, and should be returned within an approximate period of 14 days. Corrections to be indicated in this phase of publishing process, should be restricted to typesetting mistakes.
15. Editor-in-Chief Responsibilities: The Editor-in-Chief is not responsible for the damage or loss of submitted manuscripts, neither for the accuracy of opinions expressed in the articles published in this journal.
16. Copyright: The authors must sign the “Transfer of copyright” agreement before publication of their manuscript. It will be facilitated to them if submitted article is accepted for publication, and then it must be returned after fulfilment. According to the copyright agreement, the copyright of the published articles is a property of this journal, and partial nor complete reproduction is not allowed without the written permission of the publisher.
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