The IJFM invites original contributions, which have not been previously published in any language and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. All articles in the journal are published in English. Authors have to submit their papers to the Chief Editor by email only. To expedite the process, the cover letter of all contributions should include the author’s postal address, telephone number and email address. For co-authored papers the cover letter should designate a single author who is to be responsible for all future editorial communications.
Manuscript must be typed in MS Word format on A4/letter paper and double spaced leaving ample margins. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Papers should not exceed 20 pages, including summary, tables, figures, notes and references. Each paper should include an italicized abstract of not more than 150 words that describe the main arguments and conclusions of the paper typed on a separate page. All figures and tables should be provided at the end of the text.
Symbols and equations: Symbols for physical quantities should be in italic type. All mathematical operators and constants and symbols for units should be in roman type. Vectors should be in bold italic. All illustrations and photographs should be clear, sharp, black and white prints, with good contrast.
Order of the contents
The preferred order of contents is as follows:
• Title of paper
• The author’s name or authors’ names and affiliation(s) should appear below the manuscript title, followed by the briefest form ofmailing address at which interested readers may conveniently contact the author(s).
• An abstract of not more than 150 words, covering the aims of the work, methods used, results obtained and conclusions reached.
• Body of the article organized into logical sections
• Discussion and conclusions
• List of references
Copy right
Articles are considered for publication on the understanding that they have not been submitted to any other journal/publisher. The submitted works must be original and not previously published elsewhere. The copyright of papers accepted for publication becomes the property of the publisher and reproduction of any part of the paper elsewhere is not allowed without the permission of the copyright holder. Authors who wish to reproduce illustrations which have already been published elsewhere must obtain written permission from the copy right holder.
The annual subscription for the journal is US$100. This covers the copy of the Journal and 15 off prints of the paper published by the author. The copies of the journal can also be obtained directly from the Serials Publishers, New Delhi, India, by paying the subscription amount.
This publication contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable effort has been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of the use.
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