Impact Assessment of Amrut Reforms Implementation in Achieving Good Urban Governance

Impact Assessment of Amrut Reforms Implementation in Achieving Good Urban Governance
Author : Alka Singh & Ajit Kumar Mishra
ISBN: 9789391844929
Year: 2023
Pages: 144
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
INR 795.00

Price in Dollar: $26

Urban reforms were introduced for strengthening urban local government. Though, India has long history of reforms. With the introduction of 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, in 1922, urban local governments gained the statutory status while 23 reforms were introduced under JnNURM in 2005. During 2015, 11 reforms were introduced under AMRUT in order to strengthen the ULBs in India. Present book highligts the status of Utar Pradesh. It also focues on achieving good governance through urban reforms in India and particularly in Uttar Pradesh. It is expected that the book will be useful in understanding the policy perspective and rationale of urban reforms and their achievment in ULBs and evolving roadmap for strengthening urban local governments.

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