Globalisation and Rural Livelihood : India's Experiments and Experiences

Globalisation and Rural Livelihood : India's Experiments and Experiences
Author : Dr. N. Radhakrishnan
ISBN: 9789380615400
Year: 2018
Pages: 204
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Dr. Jasdeep Kaur
INR 1,100.00

Price in Dollar: $37
Globalisation is aimed at economic growth with the support of global capital and knowledge, and is intended to overcome the limitations of the backwardness and inefficiency. Globalisation had its impact on various sector of the Indian economy. Among the sector, agriculture is not only the backbone of the nation's economy and food security, but also a way of life and anchor of the overall livelihood of Indian people. Livelihood changes will have influence on household income and standard of living, livelihood security and gender relation. In turn they influence rural poverty, inequality, culture and lifestyle. Thus, this book provide a wide coverage and a variety of views about the impact of globalisation on different field like agriculture, industry, service sector, rural livelihood, higher education, environment, medical tourism, etc. 

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