Essentials of Ophthalmology

Essentials of Ophthalmology
Author : Haixia Zhao
ISBN: 9789386611185
Year: 2018
Pages: 276
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
INR 1,195.00

Price in Dollar: $40
Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the eye and visual system. An ophthalmologist is a medically trained doctor who commonly acts as both physician and surgeon. (S)he examines, diagnoses and treats diseases and injuries in and around the eye. The eye, its surrounding structures and the visual system can be affected by a number of clinical conditions. Ophthalmology involves diagnosis and therapy of such conditions, along with microsurgery. Optometrists examine eyes, give advice on visual problems and prescribe and fit glasses or contact lenses. They are usually employed in the high street but may also work in the Hospital Eye Service. Some have an enhanced role in caring for patients with stable chronic eye conditions. Ophthalmologists are doctors who specialize in the care of vision and the eyes. Here's a closer look at their practice and training, related specialties and a few common signs that suggest you might be in need of ophthalmology services. This book provides the basic clinical knowledge of Ophthalmology to undergraduate students. It describes all the basic aspects that are important for a beginner and highlights the Tropical ophthalmic diseases besides trachoma, malnutrition and community ophthalmology. 

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