Brain Drain from Indian IT Sector

Brain Drain from Indian IT Sector
Author : Durlav Sarkar and Anil Bhuimali
ISBN: 9789386611086
Year: 2018
Pages: 230
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
INR 1,400.00

Price in Dollar: $47
After Donald Trump came into the power in USA, Indian IT professionals are in trouble. Trump's new policy on "Buy American, Hire American" has jeopardised the future of thousands of IT professionals in USA. There was an annual quota of 85000 H1-B visa in USA every year out of which 90 percent of the applicants were Indian IT professionals. Preserving limited H-1 B visas for truly qualified, high-skilled foreign worker in USA has tensed India a lot. This book is also talking about the globalisation and its effects on migration of skilled Indian IT professionals in USA. This book is based on a research work conducted on different IT professionals who are actually working in different countries and their perception on different reasons for leaving their own country India and how the globalisation has an effect on such decisions. Why the best brains of India are leaving the country? What are the reasons? What are their perceptions about Indian jobs and foreign jobs? What are the effects of globalisation etc so many critical issues have been raised in this book. 

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