Adolescents and Parental Stress : An Exploratory Study

Adolescents and Parental Stress : An Exploratory Study
Author : Sindhya V.
ISBN: 9788183876483
Year: 2017
Pages: 90
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
INR 495.00

Price in Dollar: $20
The focus of this text is on the problems and challenges experienced by adolescents in the context of modernization and technological revolution. Adolescents in the present era is experiencing more stress and strain than expected due to the wide spread use of mobiles, internet and other media. This has resulted in considerable increase in the behavioural problems and conflicts within the family. Parents are often struggling with their adolescents' violence are often confused and confronted. It can be hard to find ways to keep everyone safe including the adolescent whose behaviour is posing the risk to positive family relationships and safety. The various sources of tension in adolescence today include academic pressure, peer relationship, conflicts with parents, media influences and pressure to succeed. 

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