Technology Banking in Kerala : Socio-Economic Disparities and Implications in Acceptance

Technology Banking in Kerala : Socio-Economic Disparities and Implications in Acceptance
Author : Dr. Vishnu Laxman
ISBN: 9789386611420
Year: 2018
Pages: 250
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
INR 1,195.00

Price in Dollar: $40
The book deals with Technology banking which is a recent phenomenon in Indian banking sector. It is a part of digitalization. The New Economic Reforms of 1991, paved way for technology banking. The emergence of technology banking has created both opportunities and challenges for Indian government and banking industry. Adoption of technology banking is continuing in Indian banking sector and it is a topic of interest for researchers and academicians. Reviewing the available literature, technology banking is gaining popularity, but only a section of the society can avail it and use it. Studies points out that it is the young, educated, high income earning male has been most benefitted out of it. This finding, questions the very objective of technology banking, i.e., financial inclusion. Kerala is a state with high socio-economic status and the efforts for financial inclusion is continuing. There are studies on technology banking pertaining to Kerala which agrees on wide spread use of technology banking by urban keralites. But it is imperative to look in to the acceptance and usage of technology banking among rural residents too and whether there exist any socio-economic disparities in the acceptance and usage of technology banking. The general banking perception, internet usage and acceptance of technology banking by various socio-economic groups based on gender, age, area of residence, education, activity and income are studied in detail. 

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