Environmental Sociology

Environmental Sociology
Author : Dr. Anoop Kumar Singh
ISBN: 9788195076093
Year: 2021
Pages: 266
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
INR 1,395.00

Price in Dollar: $47
Environment is of great concern for all of us not only because it is life sustaining indespensible phenomena even the boon of future human civilization. In scholarly traditions environment was studied by geography, biology and environmental science even by anthropology but first explicit use of environmental sociology as concept and sub discipline was done by clinical psychologist Samual Clausner in 1971. The present book environmental sociology is a compilation of intense, empirical and analytical articles by eminent sociologist and development practitioners and budding researcher working in the field of environmental sociology. The contents of articles ranges from water conservation, climate change to analytical framework of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) including gender mainstreaming of environment.
The book will also work as lightpole for the beginners of environmental sociology by reading the emergence evolution and Phasewise development of environmental sociology including theoretical framework developed for discipline gradually. The contribution of Chicago School and R.K. Mukherjee mentioned in book and three models like New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) by Catton and Dunlop and Ecological Modernization (EM) Theory by Spaargaren and Mole as well as Risk society thesis by Ulrich beck discussed in detailed. Readers can also attain the most influential explanation of the relationship between state, capitalism and environment by Alan Schnaiberg, outlines that there is contradictory relation between economic expansion and environmental disruption.

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