Agriculture in the Age of Globalisation

Agriculture in the Age of Globalisation
Author : Dr. Savita Bhagat
ISBN: 9788183877459
Year: 2017
Pages: 282
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
INR 1,195.00

Price in Dollar: $40
Agriculture in the Age of Globalisation is an edited volume having 20 selected papers presented at a Seminar held in DAV Centenary College, Faridabad. The contributions cover a broad range of issues impacting agriculture in the 21' century. The glaring fall in the contribution of agriculture to GDP has not been accompanied by a corresponding fall in the dependence of population on this sector. And this has created a crisis like situation in Indian agriculture. Decline in public investments in creating vital infrastructure like irrigation and storage facilities etc. has added to the woes of the farming community. International institutions and capitalistic forces are hardly bothered about the plight of the developing countries and the rules of the game are tilted against the latter. The authors have touched upon all these various critical issues. The articles are preceded by a Foreword from the eminent economist, Prof. Surinder Kumar, who has very wisely given a comprehensive overview of the highly problematic scenario of Indian agriculture. Hope this book proves to be an informative and useful volume for those interested in the area of agriculture. 

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