Women in Leading Professions in Middle East

Women in Leading Professions in Middle East
Author : Dolly Sunny
ISBN: 8186771212
Year: 2003
Pages: 120
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
INR 350.00

Price in Dollar: $18
It is a sad truth of Indian polity and society that even 50 years after the attainment of indelendence from a foreign yoke, the Indian nation has not been able to secure for its women citizen a legitimate place of equality in society. Indian women still face a formidable amount of discrimination in public and private life. Gender justice has remained virtually an empty slogan in the statute books and in the activist discourses, both. While women universally suffer various forms of discrimination, in a poor and unequal society like India women are doubly disadvantaged: rate of literacy is very low and economic independence almost non-existent. Women's access to the avenues of paid employment is extremely limited even where they have managed to secure educational and professional scales and worse still, employed have no control over the income earned due to the patriarchal mindset and the stigma attached to single woman and divorcees. The scenario is truly dismal and distressing to any objective observer and the plight of the women stiuggling against heavy odds is a tragic picture of heroism and unrelieved sufferings in many cases. 

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