Mythical Icons

Mythical Icons
Author : Anuradha Malshe
ISBN: 9788189630911
Year: 2016
Pages: 116
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Global Research Publications
INR 495.00

Price in Dollar: $17
From Sherlock Holmes to James Bond to Harry Potter to Superman, the Victory of the Good over Evil is immortalized in a variety of ways. These characters which have taken total possession of our psyche have become legends of modern folklore. To put succinctly one can say all these people have become Icons. They have always been larger than life, but now they have attained the Modern iconic status. Their lack of real life-ness has in no way undermined this status, but in point of fact technological advancement has added to it. This book tries to look into this very fascinating phenomenon. An exploration of the birth of the icons and the icons themselves, is the central theme of the book and it also delves deeper into the success stories of the Mythical Icons and try and understand the contributing factors that have made them what they are. The icons are icons because of a variety of things they represent. They are not successful only because of the super heroism. But they have gone beyond that and have entered the minds and homes of people. The magic, the charm, the glamour, it is all a part of the story. They are legends and brands. Millions ride on them. They set or break fashions. Movie after movie is made which meets with equal if not more success. The actors change but the charisma stays. This book puts together this very novel concept as a cohesive whole. The book tries to look into such subtle peculiarities of variety of character- forms. The many tenuous and even vague perceptions are brought together and verbalized. 

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