Voice of the Subalterns

Voice of the Subalterns
Author : Amalesh Kr. Pradhan
ISBN: 9789391844196
Year: 2022
Pages: 121
Binding: HB
Publisher Name: Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
INR 350.00

Price in Dollar: $15

Voice of the Subalterns is a vivid reflection of the marginal people who are subjugated, exploited and neglected by the elites and powerful section of the society. Apparently it may seem that they take this gross societal negligence and non-recognition for granted, but through a closer observation the book shows that they have their own identities and voices. But, at the end of the day, their identities are undermined and voices are unheard. By looking at the experiences of everyday life of these vulnerable sections the book attempts to explore the socio political self and their exclusion from the main stream of civilization, and how do they interact with the larger community and crystallize their resistance. 

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